Your Contribution

2022 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV) has been posted to the IEEE Xplore digital library effective 2022-07-19.

Along with publication in IEEE Xplore, IEEE assures wide distribution of conference proceedings by providing abstracting and indexing information of all individual conference papers to worldwide databases. IEEE makes every reasonable attempt to ensure that abstracts and index entries of content accepted into the program are included in databases provided by independent abstracting and indexing services. Each abstracting and indexing partner makes its own editorial decision on what content to include.

If you have an accepted paper please note the following requirements:


IEEE IV symposium is historically a single-track meeting dominated by poster presentations to maximize interaction between attendees.

This year, IV will be held simultaneously for on-site and remote participants. This hybrid format requires preparation that differs from earlier IVs. We therefore ask you to carefully read and follow the information below.

Oral presentations will be 15 minutes + 5 minutes for questions (strict 20 minutes total). All Oral presenters should check their presentation in the lecture hall at least 1 hour before the presentation. We recommend to do this even a day before your presentation.

Note: You cannot use your own laptop computer as IV22 is a hybrid conference, i.e. your talk will be visible in the Europa Hall but at the same time, we transfer it to remote participants. Bring a pdf or pptx file on a memory stick. Name the main file starting with your session code (e.g. Tu-Or1S.1). Make sure, to embed or pack all external files (video, sound, etc.). Links could change after copying to other folders. Powerpoint offers to pack by the command export-> pack presentation on CD>. Screen size is 16:9.

Your presentation will be streamed live, recorded and then only made available in the event app. This way, even our participants who are in a different time zone can watch your presentation later.


Please send your presentation as a video of a duration of no longer that 15 min to be uploaded until May 31st. Write an email to with the words “remote oral” and your session code (e.g. Tu-PO1S.1) in the title to get an upload link. At the day and time of your presentation (Conference Program is in German time zone) login to the IV22 15 min before your session starts. We will check technical issues with you, then at the presentation time play the video and afterwards you can personally answer questions remotely.

Posters in Interactive Session

For each interactive poster IV22 will offer a Full HD (1.920 pixel wide x 1.080 pixel high) Monitor. The size of the monitors is 48 inches. Note that the format is landscape, i.e. wider that tall. This will allow you to activate your poster by including animations, videos, etc. To use that you need to bring your own laptop with your poster, e.g. in pptx or pdf format. Monitors will offer HDMI and Displayport interfaces. It is best to bring your own adapter. There will also be a limited number of adapter sets available, if for example you use Apple and USB C ports or have tablets with mini HDMI ports. Make sure your laptop is compatible with one of those.

In order to have your interactive poster available in the conference app, we additionally encourage you to upload your presentation in the Interactive Session as a PDF or pptx file at Please note that the placement code in the program (e.g. Tu-Po1S.1) is included in the title. We will post this in our conference app so that participants attending online can also view your presentation and contact you if they are interested.


Interactive posters offer to make your presentation more attractive by animation and by including videos, e.g. in the results section. Nevertheless, do not use this option excessively as animation may distract spectators from your main message. The basic message of the poster should always stay visible.

The title of your poster should appear at the top in large letters. Below the title, put the author(s)’ name(s) and affiliation(s). The flow of your poster should be from the top left to the bottom right. Use arrows to lead your viewer through the poster. Use color for highlighting and to make your poster more attractive. Use videos, pictures, diagrams, cartoons, figures, etc., rather than text wherever possible. Try to state your main result in 6 lines or less, in pronounced lettering so that people can read from a distance. Make your presentation as self-explanatory as possible. This will help to focus technical discussions.

Please check your laptop connection to the monitor before the session. You will have only a short time to connect your laptop to the monitor when the actual session starts. Your place for the poster is indicated with a number corresponding to the number of your paper in the session. A presenter should be present at your poster during the entirety of the session. If possible, more than one author should attend the session to aid in presentations and discussions, and to provide the presenters with the chance to rest or briefly view other posters.

In order to get the most interaction with other scientists, we recommend that you prepare an elevator talk of 100 sec to explain the main ideas and results to a colleague in the field. Additionally to this fast pitch, you will explain your methods in more detail to those who are interested. Inserting interactive buttons may be a good idea for some details. At the same time, the basic idea should stay visible for those who just walk by your poster and want to understand its basic idea.


The IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium is about interaction among scientists and thus we are really happy that current German Covid regulations fully enable physical participation at IV. We are excited to see that so far the vast majority of participants has registered for on-site participation. Nevertheless, to allow participation from countries with severe Covid restrictions, we do allow poster presentations being replaced by a presentation video.

Presentation videos should have a duration of no longer that 15 min and may be uploaded until May 31st. All IV participants will have access to those videos. Write an email to with the words “remote Poster” and your session code (e.g. Tu-PO1S.1) in the title to get an upload link.


No-shows are extremely annoying to any conference and the participants. Papers of authors who fail to provide any presentation at all will be removed from the conference proceedings.

If you have received positive feedback, please register as a participant here.

Our regulations and FAQ can be found here.

If you have received positive feedback, please register as a participant here.

Our regulations and FAQ can be found here.

We apologize for technical issues with the  copyright transfer. These are now solved and we allow uploading of the final manuscript by authors until May 6th. Authors may also upload a video with their manuscript with a maximum length of 3 minutes showing results or the like.

Authors register as regular participants. You can find the participation prices here. You will receive discounts if you are enrolled at a university, have an IEEE or ITS membership.

If you have successfully registered via the website, you will receive a short, automatic confirmation by e-mail. Please register only once. Within 2-3 business days we will book you into our participant management system and you will receive a detailed email with your booked services and instructions for payment. After we receive your payment, you will be unlocked in papercept to make your final submission.

Due to numerous requests, the Organizing Committee has decided to extend the deadline for paper submission to Feb. 13th, 2022. Please understand that this is a once-and-final extension. This deadline will now be strict.

Authors are invited to submit papers that fall within the scope of intelligent vehicles. The review (single-blind) will be based on this paper submitted February 1st, 2022 February 13th, 2022. Authors of all accepted papers will have a chance to do final editing on their submission and respond to reviewer’s comments. This should result in a final paper due in April which will be the published version. Topics of interest include but are not limited to the following:

In addition, take advantage of the opportunity to explain the contents of your presentation in more detail at an exhibition booth or to demonstrate vehicles on our test track.

Manuscripts of 6 pages in PDF format must be electronically submitted for peer-review in IEEE standard-format. The 6-page limit applies including all references, etc. Additional pages are subject to a fee. Manuscripts with up to 10 pages will be charged 100 €/extra page. More pages are not allowed. For detailed instructions and submission of a contribution visit  

For proposal of a workshop, special session, demonstration, and exhibition contact the organization committee.

Important Dates
Paper submission deadline:
February 13th, 2022
Special session proposal:
February 18th, 2022
Workshop proposal:
February 18th, 2022
Notification of acceptance:
April 10th, 2022
Final paper submission:
May 6th, 2022

Call for Paper