Below you can find the demonstrators for our demonstration day at the Aldenhoven Testing Center!
High-Speed-Track / Oval
JKU-ITS: Haptic Guidance on Driving Performance
Description: Dynamic with test drive opportunity
Effect on driving performance after a take-over request by a haptic guidance system
Participants will drive the JKU-ITS research vehicle while executing a Non Driving Related Task (NDRT)
AR Glasses will show a sudden event on the road
Participants will be required to gain control of the vehicle
DLR: Maneuver Cooperation in Emergency Situations
Description: Dynamic with test drive opportunity
Two automated vehicles drive on adjacent lanes with a similar velocity (ca. 50 km/h)
A virtual obstacle is presented to first vehicle so that it switches to emergency braking
Cooperative lane change maneuver is negotiated via vehicle-to-vehicle communication with the second vehicle
Second vehicle accepts the lane change request and brakes
First vehicle is now able to change lanes
FH Aachen & Hyundai Motor:
Take over Request and Minimum Risk Maneuver
Description: Dynamic with test drive opportunity
This demonstrator shows how an automated vehicle will react in case that the driver does not respond to a Takeover Request (ToR)
Test vehicle transitions into automated mode after starting in manual driving mode
The test vehicle will be informed about an upcoming danger zone and warns the driver to take control over the vehicle
The driver does not take control so that the test vehicle must perform a minimum risk maneuver (MRM) automatically
The test vehicle slows down and changes lanes onto the emergency lane and stops
FEV Europe GmbH: Traffic Jam Chauffeur
Description: Dynamic with test drive opportunity
The demonstrator vehicle (SVD) follows a target vehicle which drives at 60 km/h on the most right lane
Target Vehicle simulates a traffic jam with stop & go through the ATC Oval
The target vehicle cuts out shortly behing a stationary vehicle close to the middle of a straight section
SVD will stop in time behind the new target
Oval / Vehicle Dynamic Track
mm-lab GmbH:
Ground Safety System for Motorcycles with Maneuver Detection
Description: Dynamic with test drive opportunity
Research and Development cooperation project “Zentrales Innovationsprogramm Mittelstand (ZIM)” funded by the Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Energie (BMWi)
Selected driving maneuvers will be demonstrated by a motorcyclist
Exhibition of the On-Board Unit for Motorcycles supported by video sequences
Detection of maneuvers and crashes of motorbikes
HMI System tailored to motorcycles
Proving Ground Management System (PGMS) already used at the Proving Ground of Aldenhoven
Urban Track
Data Driven Development Solutions for Autonomous driving
Description: Dynamic with test drive opportunity
Showcase of the dSPACE Car used for data collection
Development of AI Algorithm
Car is equipped with and advanced data logger (AUTERA)
A complete sensor setup generates around 21 Gbit/s of sensor data
MRT-KIT: Autonomous Driving in Urban Scenarios
Description: Dynamic with test drive opportunity
Autonomous driving vehicle (“Joy”) equipped with different sensors
Localization in high definition maps based in fusion between differential GPS and visual localization
Obstacle detection based on gridmap able to generate mid time prediction for different agents
Planning in high definition maps, avoiding unexpected obstacles and optimizing the passenger’s comfort
Interaction with the enviroment
fka GmbH: Automated Driving Function
Description: Dynamic with test drive opportunity
Demonstration of Automated Driving Function for Urban Scenarios including V2X
Communications with traffic lights
ika RWTH Aachen: UNICARagil
Description: Dynamic without test drive opportunity
Presentation of disruptive modular architectures for self-driving vehicles
Demonstration using full-sized vehicle prototypes
Driverless vehicle under supervision of a control room operator
The control room operator takes control when the vehicle encounters a situation that it cannot resolve on its own
Copyright: Patrick Pintscher
ika RWTH Aachen:
EMMI-Project: Wizard-of-Oz Vehicle -
An immersive, "automated" test drive
Description: Dynamic with test drive opportunity
Simulation of automated functions
Corresponding functions are not technically realized, but are realistically simulated by a human (wizard) without the user (test person) having any knowledge of the wizard’s presence or actions
Test vehicle represents an outstanding instrument for investigating the interaction between humans and automated systems where it is relevant, i.e. in real road traffic
Urban Track/ Static
IMECH Uni-Duisburg-Essen: Charging Robot
Description: Static
The charging robot is a collaborative robot syste
Functional demonstrator that implements the automated insertion and removal of a charging cable in an electric vehicle
Robot is equipped with appropriate tools to grab the charging cable from the wallbox and plug it into the vehicle
System has a camera system to detect the charging socket on the vehicle
TH Aschaffenburg: Cooperative Intention Detection
Description: Static
Cooperation between car and roadside unit (RSU)
Car and RSU equipped with a stereo camera and able to communicate using a wireless network
Individual tracking and forecasting by single agents (car and RSU)
Resolvement of occlusion by the RSU
Reducing uncertainty in the pedestrian’s position through cooperation
Probabilistic forecast of pedestrian positions
University of Texas at Dallas:
Data Discovery and Targeted Learning
Description: Static
In case of a rare event during autonomous driving the deep learning models perfom poorly
Demonstration on data discovery and targeted learning
Use of data discovery in a large pool of unlabeled data in case of a rare event
Search of semantically similar samples from unlabeled data set
Targeted learning is the mining of these samples in order to increase performance
Robosense: RoboSense RS-Reference
Description: Static
Robosense RS-Reference is a tool-chain to evaluate all sensor’s performance in the vehicle, such as LiDAR, millimeter wave, camera, etc.
Can assist OEM, Tier1, and research institutes to perform highly efficient tests and validation and accelerate mass production of ADAS and AD applications.