General information for demonstrators:

  1. The demonstrations are free of charge for all demonstrators.
  2. Please register each demonstration scenario using the following registration form.
  3. Information with * in the registration form are required.
  4. The team size of each demonstration scenario should be less than 3 team members. A registration as regular visitor is needed for more team members.
  5. A description of demonstration scenario and team is required and must be given in the registration form. Upload the description in form of poster / flyer is also highly recommended.
  6. The demonstration procedure and schedule are required in the registration form for demonstration organization.
  7. Graphical illustrations of the demonstrator (prototype, equipment size etc.) must be uploaded for demonstration organization.
  8. Please provide the time schedule and details for demonstration setups in the registration form.
  9. If corresponding papers of the demonstration scenario are submitted to IV22, please link the paper ids.
  10. Acceptance of demonstration will be notified until April 15th, 2022.
  11. On the demonstration day, guided tours for visitors will be organized by the demonstration committee among all demonstrations.
  12. Program of demonstration day and guided tours will be published end of April, 2022.
  13. For more information and questions, please contact .


1. General demonstration information

2. Demonstration description

Demonstration Type:
Upload demonstrations illustrations, poster or flyers (jpg, jpeg, png, gif, pdf - max. 5MB):

3. Demonstration tracks

Please select max. three tracks from the figure at with priority for your demonstration scenario. For desired track elements, which are not listed, please fill the blank

4. Technical and facility requirements

5. Demonstration setup

Max. two days before demonstration day can be booked for demonstration setup and testing. Please select one date and estimate the datetime of arrival. Please also provide demonstration setup and testing schedule with items using keywords.
Picture of Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dirk Abel

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dirk Abel

RWTH Aachen University, Germany

Call for Paper